Monday, October 26, 2009

love how my boys are starting to be brothers

Today was a big day for me. I started getting sick and was home with the boys. I always wondered how mom's stayed home when they were sick, now I know. Luckily Skye could figure out that I wasn't feeling well at all and really tried to keep it together. Both boys also decided to take monster naps this afternoon, so I got some real down time.

Skye is finally realizing that
a) Forrest is a baby
b) Forrest is his brother.
He'll find Akbar whenever Forrest starts to get upset and bring him to Forrest. He tries to be nice when Forrest is whacking him in the head. I think he realizes that he's not trying to hurt him b/c he sees Bug clocking me in the head as well. Today though was the sweetest. As the boys were getting ready to take their bath Skye leaned over and gave Forrest a kiss. It was so sweet. Later in the bath Forrest leaned over and gave Skye a kiss. They are really getting super sweet.

Forrest is seriously starting to walk. He cruised across the living room today, and is starting to walk before he gives in and crawls. Soon he'll be a cute little toddler dude.

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