Thursday, October 8, 2009

Forrest is 1

Just a quick update, as things have been a bit funny lately. Forrest turned 1 on Sunday. I can't believe he's an entire year old. Still not walking, but so close. Just needs the confidence to do so. I cut my finger at the end of the day on Sunday. Hoping this isn't the start of a lovely plan to get a scar every year on Forrest's birthdaty - or spend any time in the ER! Can't belive I beat both my sons into the er. Luckily I was only there for 40 minutes, and got 3 stitches. Heres a little photo of me as I returned from the hospital - and yes I drove myself there and back....someone had to stay home and do bedtimes1!

Okay Forrest is running, well crawling through the house and finding all sorts of stuff to get into that isn't good - like I think the garbage bags...gotta run! Will post birthday photos at some point soon!

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