Saturday, February 13, 2010


Is it really february? How did that happen? Can't quite believe it. There is so much to write that there is NO way I can update everyone.

We survived the holidays. The boys did amazing at every turn. The week after New Years they were a mess, but we got through it.

Skye has been home over 6 months - that is a huge surprise to me! It's flown by, as well as completely dragged on and on at times. It's amazing how much this little boy has grown from the day he arrived to today. He is so much more confident, happy, secure, full of joy. He knows he's home, or at least is really starting to believe it. He's funny, sweet, a total ham when people come over. Is starting to realize value in words and is putting them together.

Forrest is a crack up. I know I say that almost every post, but that's how I feel. He's so funny and full of light. Everything is new, and fun! He's got this little face that he's started doing that I need to get a photo of. He sort of squishes up his face, just his jaw out, and grimaces. I know you can't get a picture of it, but take my word for it I laugh every time.

Okay, dinner time. I'll post some newer photos soon - I hear tears upstairs...

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