I'm tired, but happy. We had a very very good day with Skye and Forrest today. Both were in exceptionally good moods, which makes things so much easier. Had a hard day with Skye yesterday, he's a very stubborn little boy and dug his heels in about something that I wasn't willing to budge on. End result was a 75 minute tantrum, but then he totally had a turn around with Chris and I. Started talking, being compliant, not pushing as many limits, still being 2 but not a horrid 2 year old. It's funny how much he understands and hope we don't know that he understands.
Forrest is getting closer and closer to walking, or at least understanding the concept of it. He stands all the time, and is starting to experiment with standing without holding on to anything. Unfortunately that meant standing over and over again in the tub tonight, and then falling down over and over again into the water. Good thing he likes water so much, b/c he was going under a lot.
I had my first nap w/o tears from either boy today. It was so nice. Both of them just went to sleep without any hysterics, yelling, screaming, or even grousing. I am so thankful for that. Some days I feel like all I do is make my kids cry.
I had my first foray to the store today with 2. No one there understood why it was such a victory, b/c no one would know I've had the almost 11 month longer than the 2 year old. Both did great, let me get the essentials - coffee, beer, half & half, and meat - without any issue. I think Skye must believe that every store is there to feed him. New Seasons has the bread, and costco has everything around every corner. Makes for a much easier store trip.
Okay I'm beat, off to sleep. Hopefully I can locate my camera - it's somewhere in this house - and I'll load some new photos. I also want to send my love to my friend Jennifer who just got home from Ethiopia and visiting her soon to be 2 new kids. She is taking the adoption plunge once again - her current youngest is a beautiful little Guatemalan girl - with 2 children. I know the visit was amazing and so hard to give them back. Sending you lots of love mama, those 2 (yikes!) new ones will be home with you so soon.
1 comment:
Shannon, Thanks for the support. My trip was life changing in everyway. You are right, it was hard to leave the kids but SO enjoyable to meet them and experience their culture with them.
I'm loving your blog and can't wait to see more pics of your little men.
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