Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Warner Bros. new horror movie Orphan proclaims that it must be hard to love an adopted child as much as your own. Let me tell you about how an orphan changed my life...As many of you have read, our little boy is slowly changing the lives of all those around him. His willingness to accept such a new and different family structure, home, food, language, limits and everything else is amazing. I cannot imagine one adult I know being dropped into a new family, for the umpteenth time, and expect them to thrive. Skye is thriving. Today during lunch he and Forrest were playing the funniest game and laughing hysterically. Forrest has discovered that it's really fun to offer you food and then when you get near his hand to eat it, he quickly shoves it into his mouth. All the while a twinkle in his eye, he totally knows what he's doing. Today he was offering food across the table to Skye, who would then reach across to get it and Forrest would quickly shove it into his mouth. Both of them laughed and laughed. They continue to act more and more like brothers. Skye's understanding that Forrest is a baby, and gets to do things that he it told no because Forrest doesn't know any better. For anyone to say that you cannot love an adopted child as much as your bio child is crazy. Even the language is off - both children are my own children, one just happens to be biological.

Things are mellowing out. Riley is starting to realize that these kids are here to stay and he'd better get used to it. We had a scary incident the other night with Skye falling on Riley, on accident, and Riley snarling and snapping. Yes he connected with Skye, no he didn't break the skin. It sucks! We are taking it day by day and hoping that we can move Riley through this. Unfortunately if he bites again he's bye bye. I just can't risk the dog biting either of my kids.

Okay this is a short post b/c I am whipped! This mama to 2 is intense work. It's hard by a long shot when you've got 2, but when 1 of them is like a vessel with a hole in the bottom it's exhausting. No matter how much love we pour into him, he always wants more. It's beautiful to watch him flourish, and exhausting all the same.

Be well my family and friends. We love each of you and can't wait for everyone to know Skye for the cutie he is.

1 comment:

We Are Family said...

I'm with you Shannon. It always kills me when I hear that you can't or don't or won't love adopted children the same as bio children. WELL, I DO! The same love overwhelmed me the second they layed Alejandra in my arms as when they layed Savannah and EVan in my arms. Honestly, I can't wait for it to happen 2 more times on Friday. Only difference this time, our almost 7 year old will me running into my arms!!!! I CAN'T wait! Be blessed my friend!!!